Introduction to human emotional development (July 2024 updated)

Human beings have the potential to come to know true love and thus live authentic happiness

To make it possible to develop the capacity to know true love and live authentic happiness to the fullest, it is necessary satisfactorily develop each associated level of development, as part of the entire life development process

It is necessary to develop seven levels of emotional development and thus achieve the ability to live true love and authentic happiness

Level 1 Immediate family members

Level 2 Indirect family members

Level 3 true friends

Level 4 Special Friend

Level 5 True Love

Level 6 Growth and Strengthening

Level 7 Authentic Happiness

direct relatives

Level 1 of human emotional development corresponds to all the positive emotional aspects of direct family members, that is, being able to fully experience paternal love

We are going to understand by positive emotional the entire emotional parents love relationship in the authentic sense, that is, being able to live direct paternal love in all its fullness in terms of all the care, attention and other signs of authentic affection and positive love between parents and children

In the family nucleus, authentic love is born in its first phase of development and is the starting point for great human emotional development

To achieve great human emotional development, it is necessary to live in the most forceful way all the stages of development according to each level of emotional development

When we are born, our emotional part is completely empty, it is necessary to start filling it with authentic love and that is the main function of every parent in terms of giving their children all the necessary affection and attention, that is, giving that emotional nutrient that only parents can give

Level 1 of human emotional development can only be developed through direct paternal action, that is, creating that emotional bond between parents and children

knowing direct parental love is the basis for all emotional development

Indirect relatives

Level 2 of human emotional development corresponds to all the positive emotional aspects of indirect family members, that is, being able to fully experience the love of grandparents, uncles, and cousins

For there to be authentic emotional development, it is necessary for families to be integrated into the entire family circle

An integrated family is one in which marriages are stable throughout the family cycle, that is, grandparents, uncles and cousins

At level 1 of emotional development the child receives all the paternal love but it is not enough to reach level 2 of emotional development, it is necessary to add to the paternal love all the love that only authentic grandparents, authentic uncles and cousins ​​can give

When in the family circle there is great family disintegration as well as unstable marriages, that degree of authenticity regarding the family bond is lost, causing the child to not be able to receive that forcefulness of love that is needed to successfully reach level 2 of human emotional development

Human emotional development of both level 1 and level 2 only corresponds to childhood, that is, a child who did not have the opportunity to receive that torrent of parental love and that torrent of love from grandparents, uncles and cousins ​​will not have any opportunity to achieve level 3 of human emotional development

the importance of forming integrated and stable families in society

true friends

Level 3 of human emotional development corresponds to all the positive emotional aspects of authentic friends, that is, being able to fully experience the love of unconditional friends

For there to be authentic emotional development, it is necessary that we select our friends correctly

Developing integrated families is important but it is also important that our closest friends also come from integrated families

All the love of the direct family circle, that is, father, mother and siblings or direct brothers, plus the love of the indirect family circle, that is, grandparents, uncles and cousins, is the necessary emotional base that every child should develop

When we have to live through adolescence we enter a very delicate stage of life since it is the time when we are vulnerable to knowing the negative things in life

Human emotional development of both level 1 and level 2 only corresponds to childhood while level 3 of human emotional development corresponds to adolescence

Adolescence is when we must have true friends who are completely unconditional and thus be able to live that inconditional emotional love that only true friends can give

To achieve the emotional development corresponding to level 3 is to have filled our human emotional part with that fraternal and unconditional love that only authentic friends can give

the importance of correctly selecting our friends

Special friend

Level 4 of human emotional development corresponds to all the positive emotional aspects of an authentic special friend, that is, being able to fully experience the new and superlative love that only a special friend can give

When you have the privilege of meeting a truly special friend, our emotional part begins to fill with a new love different from all the others, which above all is considered superlative in nature since it will have the potential to be far above all known love previously, including paternal love

Let us remember that to develop emotional level 4 it is necessary to have lived in all its fullness levels of emotional development 1, 2 and 3, that is, we have to be emotionally filled with the love of direct family members, the love of indirect family members and the love of true friends

When we have not satisfactorily filled emotional levels 1, 2 and 3 we are very emotionally defenseless in the face of life and we generally confuse friendship with true love

The true love of a marital couple is born from a special friendship, that is, it is something very superlative, as mentioned above, it will have the ability to be above all direct family love

The special friend is someone who we value from the beginning far above all the other people we have known, including our parents

a special friend is a total complement to life

True love

Level 5 of human emotional development corresponds to all the positive emotional aspects of true love other words, being able to live true love to the fullest that is, the authentic love of a marital couple, which is the most superlative love that a human being can know and will be a true privilege of life

Above all manifestations of love, true love is placed that is, it is filled with a love that is more forceful than family love and all other not family loves

Unlike all the loves that may exist, the only one that has the capacity to grow continuously is true love other words, when you meet that special someone, true love is born and from that moment it begins to grow and will never stop growing, that is, It is a constant growth

that constant growth that only true love can experience makes the loved one loved more every day

True love is manifested in a marital couple as the authentic capacity to love and the authentic capacity to become loved, for this reason true love is something only reserved for a couple, that is, two only people man and woman who intensely experience true love and will be forever

To live true love is to come to know in all its fullness the perfect complement between the masculine and the feminine, every person who could not live true love only reached half of all life potential

true love grows day by day and will never stop growing

Growth and strengthening

Level 6 of human emotional development corresponds only to the couple that lives true love to the fullest, that is, the authentic love of a marital couple, which is the most superlative love that can exist

Only true love has the potential to grow and strengthen itself day by day until it reaches the greatest emotional strength that anyone could imagine

The greatest force capable of overcoming any obstacle, no matter how complicated it may be, is the emotional force of true love, it can be said that it will be an invincible force

In order for it to be possible to reach that level of invincible emotional strength, a whole level 6 of growth and strengthening must be developed

Level 6 of emotional development is done alone for both the masculine and the feminine, meaning that the couple who has already managed to know true love must now separate

When true love is experienced, an emotional bond has already been created that cannot be undone for this reason when separating physically to develop level 6, emotionally the couple will always be in emotional harmony every day that the physical separation lasts

Living the period of physical separation will be a great effort in life since the special moments of life can only be experienced when being together, there will be no moment of life alone that surpasses the special moments of life lived as a couple at level 5 emotional development

The greatest effort in life is to separate from the loved one

authentic happiness

Level 7 of human emotional development corresponds only to the couple that lives true love to the fullest, that is, the authentic love of a marital couple, which is the most superlative love that can exist and it will be that privileged couple, man and woman, who will have that great privilege of life to know and live authentic happiness in all its fullness

In our entire earthly existence we can have great moments of life, but the special moments of life are only experienced at level 7 of human emotional development, that is, when we live as a marital couple with the loved one, and they translate into special moments of authentic happiness

When authentic happiness is achieved, it is something that will be forever, in other words, it is developing that potential as a marital couple that allows at any moment in life to live a special moment of authentic happiness, which is unimaginably high and only reserved for that privileged marital couple where true love really exists

It is important to remember that human potential allows us to come to know in all its fullness authentic earthly happiness, that is, those great special moments of earthly life, but it will also have the potential to be able to achieve authentic heavenly happiness, that is, the authentic eternal happiness that It will be part of all human spiritual development

The sole purpose of everything that exists is for human beings to achieve the knowledge of heavenly glory, that is, true eternal happiness

Living authentic happiness will be the great desire and earthly challenge of every human being